Wednesday, May 2, 2012

On Monday I completed my first Elements Class at CrossFit King of the Beach in Long Beach New York. I have to admit stepping into a cross fit "box" is extremely intimidating. On Monday night Sean walked us through all the Crossfit squats: Front squat, Air Squat, Back squat and  Over Head Squat. As Sean demonstrated the squats we had the chance to practice them. Before the workout began we tried each squat about twenty times ( that's about 80 squats before the workout even began... OUCH!) After squats we were onto box jumps (scary) and push ups. After we practiced all the moves it was time for our 12 minute workout. Sounds like no big deal right? 12 minutes is nothing, I thought to myself . Boy was i wrong after completing one round I was wiped and the clock still had 10 minutes on it!! The twelve minute workout consisted of the  repetition of the following exercises: 200 meter run, 5 box jumps, 10 push ups and 15 air squats. Even though I was dying I completed four full rounds plus one more 200 meter run (well by that point it was more like a flailing about). But my First elements class was under my belt and I was excited to come back for more.  It may not sound like much but it was definitely the hardest I've ever worked out... boot camps included.
On Tuesday I was oh so sore but a  large part of me still wanted more. Tuesday's class consisted of presses, and kettle bell swings. After we practiced the presses and swings we were given a workout. This workout was a repetition of two of the moves we learned in Elements 2; kettle bell swings and push presses. The plan was to do four rounds 21, 15, 9, 3 after the four rounds were finished we ended with 100 leg flutters. Much to my surprise I was not the worst in the class and I finished the workout in 7 minutes 12 seconds.
Today is Wednesday; I'm only two days into Elements and I can barely move but I can't wait to get back to KOB tomorrow!  They say one change brings about many , so here's hoping.

1 comment:

  1. Loving this blog! I am happy you are documenting our our pain and what will be our very healthy and bright furture!
